T30 boss on Sacred Valley
Personal Score
Team Score
Detailed Report
Ace Tanker
59 384
1 413
Top Gun
Top Gun
Destroy more enemy vehicles than any other player in your team during the battle (at least 6). If two or more players have destroyed equal amount vehicles, the achievement is granted to the player who has earned more XP for the battle, including additional XP provided to Premium account users. If the amount of XP is equal as well, the achievement is not granted.
Sacred Valley – Encounter
Sacred Valley
Mko [WMI]
15.08.2013 00:45
Without Premium With Premium
Credits 59 384 89 076
Experience 1413 2120
Detailed Report
Statistics for Mko
Battle efficiency Σ: 6 7058 1 - 884 2
  • Cioara81 IS-3
  • Kommano [_SAF_] T-62A
  • chimearaCZT Conqueror
  • konfuziusluzius IS-7
  • benanp T69 1
  • o0GustaV0o ISU-152
  • Jousy [PD-CZ] IS-3
  • halfdead [-RON-] AMX AC mle. 48
{{ ::replay.translations.teams[teamKey] }}
{{ ::player.platoon }} {{ ::player.username }} {{ ::player.tank }} {{ ::player.damageDealt }} {{ ::player.frags }} {{ ::player.xp }} {{ ::player.achievements.length }}
{{ replay.detailedPerformance.username }}
{{ replay.detailedPerformance.tank }}
{{ replay.detailedPerformance.resultMapSurviveString }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.shots.fired }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehicleShots }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.shots.hits }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehicleHits }}/{{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehiclePierces }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.shots.heHits }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance. vehicleHeHits}}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.damageDealt.total }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.damageDealt }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.damageDealt.sniper }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.sniperDamageDealt }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.received.label }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehicleIncomingHits }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.received.pierces }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.piercedReceived }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.received.noDamage }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.noDamageShotsReceived }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.received.he }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.heHitsReceived }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.received.blocked }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.damageBlockedByArmor }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.friendlyFire }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehicleTKString }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.spotted }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehicleSpotted }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.damaged }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehicleDamaged }}/{{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehicleKilled }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.damageAssisted.label }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehicleDamageAssist }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.capture }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehicleBaseCapture }}/{{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehicleBaseDef }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.mileage.label }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehicleMileage }}
{{ ::replay.translations.close }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.shots.fired }} 14
  • {{ ::replay.translations.shots.hits }} 13/12
  • {{ ::replay.translations.shots.heHits }} 0
  • {{ ::replay.translations.damageDealt.total }} 7058
  • {{ ::replay.translations.damageDealt.sniper }} 0
  • {{ ::replay.translations.received.label }} 9
  • {{ ::replay.translations.received.pierces }} 6
  • {{ ::replay.translations.received.noDamage }} 3
  • {{ ::replay.translations.received.he }} 0
  • {{ ::replay.translations.received.blocked }} 0
  • {{ ::replay.translations.friendlyFire }} 0/0
  • {{ ::replay.translations.spotted }} 2
  • {{ ::replay.translations.damaged }} 8/6
  • {{ ::replay.translations.damageAssisted.ownLabel }} 884
  • {{ ::replay.translations.capture }} 0/0
  • {{ ::replay.translations.mileage.label }} 1,89
Credits With Premium
Received 59 384 89 076
Fine for causing damage to allies 0 0
Compensation for damage caused by allies 0 0
Auto-repair vehicle -14,826 -14,826
Auto-resupply ammunition -23,100 0 -23,100 0
Auto-resupply consumables 0 0 0 0
Total: 21,458 0 51,150 0
  • Starting time 00:45
  • Battle duration 11 min 13 s
  • Time of destruction -
Received 1 413 70     2 120 105
Fine for causing damage to allies 0 0
Total: 1 413 70 2 120 105
  • Version: 0.8.7
  • Server game time: 2013-08-15 00:45
  • Spawn: II
  • Battle type: Regular
  • Uploaded: Mko

Replay description

No description

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