T110E5, DERP MM, 8400 dmg
Personal Score
Team Score
Detailed Report
Ace Tanker
72 158
4 197
Top Gun
Top Gun
Destroy more enemy vehicles than any other player in your team during the battle (at least 6). If two or more players have destroyed equal amount vehicles, the achievement is granted to the player who has earned more XP for the battle, including additional XP provided to Premium account users. If the amount of XP is equal as well, the achievement is not granted.
Steel Wall
Steel Wall
Receive the most hits (at least 11) of any player on your team, with potential damage of at least 1,000 HP, and survive. If two or more players have equal amount of hits, the achievement is granted to the player with the highest potential damage. If two or more players have equal amount of potential damage, the achievement is granted to the player who has earned more XP, including additional XP provided to Premium account users. If the amount of XP is equal as well, the achievement is not granted.
El Halluf – Encounter
El Halluf
lacika_dnb [PCSTB]
04.12.2013 20:08
Without Premium With Premium
Credits 72 158 108 237
Experience (x{2} for the first win in a day) 4197 6297
Detailed Report
Statistics for lacika_dnb
Battle efficiency Σ: 7 8397 12 - 391 3
  • Plnovous26 [M_D] AMX 50 100
  • Ramses100 Rhm.-Borsig Waffenträger 4
  • ABIH79 [DTTII] Indien-Panzer
  • DrevniKocurPL [PAD1] Maus 3
  • Lussico T28 Prototype
  • _cassy99 [WITA] AT 15
  • H4ll IS-3 3
  • HaidePower Jagdpanther II 1
  • nerofida Ferdinand
  • Memelix Jagdpanzer E 100 1
{{ ::replay.translations.teams[teamKey] }}
{{ ::player.platoon }} {{ ::player.username }} {{ ::player.tank }} {{ ::player.damageDealt }} {{ ::player.frags }} {{ ::player.xp }} {{ ::player.achievements.length }}
{{ replay.detailedPerformance.username }}
{{ replay.detailedPerformance.tank }}
{{ replay.detailedPerformance.resultMapSurviveString }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.shots.fired }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehicleShots }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.shots.hits }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehicleHits }}/{{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehiclePierces }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.shots.heHits }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance. vehicleHeHits}}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.damageDealt.total }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.damageDealt }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.damageDealt.sniper }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.sniperDamageDealt }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.received.label }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehicleIncomingHits }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.received.pierces }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.piercedReceived }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.received.noDamage }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.noDamageShotsReceived }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.received.he }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.heHitsReceived }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.received.blocked }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.damageBlockedByArmor }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.friendlyFire }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehicleTKString }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.spotted }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehicleSpotted }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.damaged }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehicleDamaged }}/{{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehicleKilled }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.damageAssisted.label }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehicleDamageAssist }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.capture }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehicleBaseCapture }}/{{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehicleBaseDef }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.mileage.label }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehicleMileage }}
{{ ::replay.translations.close }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.shots.fired }} 35
  • {{ ::replay.translations.shots.hits }} 31/25
  • {{ ::replay.translations.shots.heHits }} 0
  • {{ ::replay.translations.damageDealt.total }} 8397
  • {{ ::replay.translations.damageDealt.sniper }} 0
  • {{ ::replay.translations.received.label }} 16
  • {{ ::replay.translations.received.pierces }} 6
  • {{ ::replay.translations.received.noDamage }} 10
  • {{ ::replay.translations.received.he }} 0
  • {{ ::replay.translations.received.blocked }} 0
  • {{ ::replay.translations.friendlyFire }} 0/0
  • {{ ::replay.translations.spotted }} 3
  • {{ ::replay.translations.damaged }} 10/7
  • {{ ::replay.translations.damageAssisted.ownLabel }} 391
  • {{ ::replay.translations.capture }} 0/0
  • {{ ::replay.translations.mileage.label }} 2,2
Credits With Premium
Received 72 158 108 237
Fine for causing damage to allies 0 0
Compensation for damage caused by allies 0 0
Auto-repair vehicle -17,966 -17,966
Auto-resupply ammunition -101,780 0 -101,780 0
Auto-resupply consumables -3,000 0 -3,000 0
Total: -50,588 0 -14,509 0
  • Starting time 20:08
  • Battle duration 10 min 43 s
  • Time of destruction -
Received 1 399 69     2 099 104
Fine for causing damage to allies 0 0
Award for the first victory each day x2 x2     x2 x2
Action / Personal missions payout 1 399 0     2 099 0
Total: 4 197 138 6 297 207
  • Version: 0.8.9
  • Server game time: 2013-12-04 20:08
  • Spawn: II
  • Battle type: Regular
  • Uploaded: lacika_dnb

Replay description

No description

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