TVP T 50/51, Himmelsdorf, Standard
  • Tank: TVP T 50/51
  • Map: Himmelsdorf
  • Played: sakal50
  • Nation:Czechoslovakia
  • Mode: Standard
  • Uploaded: sakal50
  • Result: ?
  • Battle type: Regular
  • Server game time: 2022-04-24 15:05
  • Base: 0 / 0
  • Spawn: I
  • Version: 1.16.1
Team Score
Our Team
trinky_whinky [MGLOM] T110E4 0 0 0
sakal50 TVP T 50/51 0 0 0
jasonbourne13 [D-BZ] Panhard EBR 105 0 0 0
Wikkam AMX 30 B 0 0 0
Sanitariuszka_PL [1DPGM] AMX 13 105 0 0 0
stihl_viking G.W. E 100 0 0 0
1ukas [PCSA] Leopard 1 0 0 0
Barbaritka [PCSA] Leopard 1 0 0 0
The_Monster_Of_City [PCSA] Leopard 1 0 0 0
daryl_ghost [-FAF-] T95/FV4201 Chieftain 0 0 0
Dex_980 [NI-JU] Type 5 Heavy 0 0 0
corsucc Object 430U 0 0 0
miruskov IS-7 0 0 0
Tofca [ESTPA] Object 140 0 0 0
tanker10071996 [NBTT] Object 140 0 0 0
Enemy Team
Karl_Kristof_J [PFPAB] TVP T 50/51 0 0 0
InginerChimist [SERPE] Panhard EBR 105 0 0 0
JernejR99 [XLITE] AMX 50 Foch (155) 0 0 0
NewLife11 AMX 30 B 0 0 0
Cipolek [CHAK] Grille 15 0 0 0
Neon064 [-W_Z-] Leopard 1 0 0 0
kodisterXT Leopard 1 0 0 0
didi_975 VK 72.01 (K) 0 0 0
Jagger1985 Manticore 0 0 0
loopingdu27 [L-L-P] FV215b 0 0 0
vitek_Dobrjai Conqueror Gun Carriage 0 0 0
Fastern_2009_1 Super Conqueror 0 0 0
KAMIKAzZ T95/FV4201 Chieftain 0 0 0
Googlybear Progetto M40 mod. 65 0 0 0
Terminator1301 [IQ_N1] Object 430U 0 0 0
  • Shots fired
  • direct hits/penetrations /
  • splash damage
  • Damage
  • from a distance of more than 300 meters
  • Hits received
  • penetrations
  • Hits received as a result of splash damage
  • Damage blocked by armor
  • Damage caused to allies (destroyed/HP)
  • Enemy vehicles spotted
  • Enemy vehicles damaged/destroyed
  • Damage upon detecting
  • Base capture/defence points /
  • Distance traveled
  • Uploaded: sakal50
  • Server game time: 2022-04-24 15:05
  • Version: 1.16.1
  • Battle type: Regular
  • Spawn: I

Replay description

No description

Replay's comments (3)

  • #1 Poor unfair antisocial human waste! You ruined my game! Using gold ammunition is just unfair and antisocial! What is armour good for if unfair player like you use gold ammunition? Think about your attitude! You ruin other people's game with your unfair and antisocial behaviour! This is a game. Play fair!
    ok30 2023-06-25 в 12:19
  • #2 You did it again!
    ok30 2023-06-25 в 12:19
  • #3 Poor unfair antisocial human waste! Everybody can use gold ammunition, but only poor unfair assholes do it! Are you so unskilled that you need to use gold ammunition to compete with others? Oh yes, you are! Sorry, I shouldn't have asked! For an unfair antisocial gold ammunition asshole, your statistics are quite poor!
    ok30 2023-06-25 в 12:20