Мастер на Японці
Personal Score
Team Score
Detailed Report
Ace Tanker
Fire for Effect
Fire for Effect
Cause more damage to enemy vehicles than the hit points of your vehicle.
• Damage caused by ramming or setting enemy vehicle on fire is included.
• Unavailable for SPGs.
• Can be obtained in Random Battles only.
Damage enemy vehicles' modules or injure crew members at least five times in a battle.
• Modules damaged by fire are counted.
• Can be obtained in Random Battles only.
Destroy at least two enemy vehicles that caused damage to your vehicle in the battle.
• Damage to modules is included.
• Ricochet and non-penetration are not included.
• Can be obtained in Random Battles only.
66 162
15 113
Pascucci's Medal
Pascucci's Medal
Destroy 2 enemy SPGs in one battle.
• Drive a tank or a tank destroyer.
• Can be obtained in Random Battles only.
Radley-Walters' Medal
Radley-Walters' Medal
Awarded to players in the 5th or higher tier for destroying 8 or 9 enemy vehicles in one battle. Sydney Valpy Radley-Walters was a Canadian tank ace of the 27th Armored Regiment. In 1944–1945 he destroyed 18 German vehicles with his Sherman Firefly.
High Caliber
High Caliber
• Caused damage must be at least 20% of the total HP of enemy vehicles.
• Caused damage should be at least 1,000 HP.
• The player must not hit any allies by direct shots.
• If two or more players have caused equal damage to enemy vehicles, the achievement is awarded to the player who earned more XP for the battle.
• Can be obtained in Random Battles only.
Top Gun
Top Gun
Destroy more enemy vehicles than any other player in your team during the battle (at least 6). If two or more players have destroyed equal amount vehicles, the achievement is granted to the player who has earned more XP for the battle, including additional XP provided to Premium account users. If the amount of XP is equal as well, the achievement is not granted.
Province – Standard
Type 4 Ju-To
Type 4 Ju-To
Morfey2000UATV [PTAXI]
14.03.2024 14:03
Without Premium With Premium
Credits 44 108 44 108
Experience 14338 15113
Detailed Report
Statistics for Morfey2000UATV
Battle efficiency Σ: 8 4331 7 480 720 1 -
  • sdcard2 [MOVER] Covenanter 1
  • General_Quarters [RDDTM] M6 3 1 1
  • deadmanjaka_zul M12 1
  • Old_Valhalla [GASPG] M4 Sherman 1 2
  • pasiek03 [L-4] Tiger I 3
  • Pietek [LOLKI] SU-100Y 1 2
  • Alex__178 KV-2 3 3
  • Jovan_robi89 Type 3 Chi-Nu Kai 1
  • francuz45 VK 30.02 (D) 1
  • EinoVilho [LLV24] Bishop 1 2
{{ ::replay.translations.teams[teamKey] }}
{{ ::player.platoon }} {{ ::player.username }} {{ ::player.tank }} {{ ::player.damageDealt }} {{ ::player.frags }} {{ ::player.xp }} {{ ::player.achievements.length }}
{{ replay.detailedPerformance.username }}
{{ replay.detailedPerformance.tank }}
{{ replay.detailedPerformance.resultMapSurviveString }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.shots.fired }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehicleShots }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.shots.hits }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehicleHits }}/{{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehiclePierces }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.shots.heHits }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance. vehicleHeHits}}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.damageDealt.total }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.damageDealt }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.damageDealt.sniper }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.sniperDamageDealt }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.received.label }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehicleIncomingHits }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.received.pierces }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.piercedReceived }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.received.noDamage }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.noDamageShotsReceived }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.received.he }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.heHitsReceived }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.received.blocked }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.damageBlockedByArmor }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.friendlyFire }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehicleTKString }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.spotted }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehicleSpotted }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.damaged }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehicleDamaged }}/{{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehicleKilled }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.damageAssisted.label }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehicleDamageAssist }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.damageStunned.label }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehicleDamageAssistStun }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.stunsCaused }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehicleStunsCaused }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.capture }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehicleBaseCapture }}/{{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehicleBaseDef }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.mileage.label }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehicleMileage }}
{{ ::replay.translations.close }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.shots.fired }} 23
  • {{ ::replay.translations.shots.hits }} 19/17
  • {{ ::replay.translations.shots.heHits }} 0
  • {{ ::replay.translations.damageDealt.total }} 4331
  • {{ ::replay.translations.damageDealt.sniper }} 2930
  • {{ ::replay.translations.received.label }} 10
  • {{ ::replay.translations.received.pierces }} 4
  • {{ ::replay.translations.received.noDamage }} 3
  • {{ ::replay.translations.received.he }} 3
  • {{ ::replay.translations.received.blocked }} 480
  • {{ ::replay.translations.friendlyFire }} 0/0
  • {{ ::replay.translations.spotted }} 1
  • {{ ::replay.translations.damaged }} 10/8
  • {{ ::replay.translations.damageAssisted.ownLabel }} 720
  • {{ ::replay.translations.damageStunned.ownLabel }} 0
  • {{ ::replay.translations.stunsCaused }} 0
  • {{ ::replay.translations.capture }} 0/0
  • {{ ::replay.translations.mileage.label }} 2,37
Credits With Premium
Received 44 108 44 108
Fine for causing damage to allies 0 0
Compensation for damage caused by allies 0 0
Auto-repair vehicle -9,311 -9,311
Auto-resupply ammunition -71,180 0 -71,180 0
Auto-resupply consumables 0 0 0 0
Total: -36,383 0 -14,329 0
  • Starting time 14:03
  • Battle duration 11 min 57 s
  • Time of destruction 10 min 18 s
Received 1 550 78     1 550 78
Fine for causing damage to allies 0 0
Personal Reserves bonus 2 325 351     2 325 351
Action / Personal missions payout 10 463 0     10 463 0
Total: 14 338 429 15 113 468
  • Version: 1.24.0
  • Server game time: 2024-03-14 14:03
  • Spawn: II
  • Battle type: Regular
  • Uploaded: Morfey2000UATV

Replay description

Бій: Провінція
Техніка: Type 4 Ju-To
Отримано досвіду: 15 113
Отримано очок Бойової перепустки: 7
Одержано бон: 25
Отримано кредитів: 66 162
Досягнення в бою: «Воїн», «Основний калібр», «Дуелянт», «Вогонь на ураження», «Коса Смерті», Медаль Редлі-Волтерса, Медаль Паскуччі, «Костолом», Знак класності «Майстер»
До сховища кредитів надійшло: 6 616
Отримано Щасливих печаток: 180

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