critical bug! Новый баг в Линии Фронта - танк который находится в засвете до конца игры, т.е. перманентно! Стары баг у Лініі Фронту - танк які знаходзіцца ў святле да канца гульні, г.зн. перманентна!
Personal Score
Team Score
Detailed Report
223 040
5 598
Fata Morgana – Assault
Fata Morgana
NVitalij65 [BYREZ]
15.06.2024 00:36
Without Premium With Premium
Credits 39 940 39 940
Experience 1694 5598
Detailed Report
Statistics for NVitalij65
Battle efficiency Σ: 1 4093 1 250 785 - -
  • Vibrat_902 Bat.-Châtillon Bourrasque
  • hftrfdrtfyttgvub Škoda T 56 1
  • ikaravan [UA_A_] Panhard AML Lynx 6x6
  • hftrfdrtfyttgvub Škoda T 56 1 1
  • Vibrat_902 Bat.-Châtillon Bourrasque 2
  • Al_Zala1998 Progetto M35 mod 46 1
  • Folcmarinsky Object 252U 1 1
  • Vibrat_902 Bat.-Châtillon Bourrasque 1 2
{{ ::replay.translations.teams[teamKey] }}
{{ ::player.platoon }} {{ ::player.username }} {{ ::player.tank }} {{ ::player.damageDealt }} {{ ::player.frags }} {{ ::player.xp }} {{ ::player.achievements.length }}
{{ replay.detailedPerformance.username }}
{{ replay.detailedPerformance.tank }}
{{ replay.detailedPerformance.resultMapSurviveString }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.shots.fired }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehicleShots }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.shots.hits }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehicleHits }}/{{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehiclePierces }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.shots.heHits }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance. vehicleHeHits}}
  • {{ }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.damageDealt }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.damageDealt.sniper }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.sniperDamageDealt }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.received.label }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehicleIncomingHits }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.received.pierces }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.piercedReceived }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.received.noDamage }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.noDamageShotsReceived }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.received.he }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.heHitsReceived }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.received.blocked }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.damageBlockedByArmor }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.friendlyFire }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehicleTKString }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.spotted }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehicleSpotted }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.damaged }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehicleDamaged }}/{{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehicleKilled }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.damageAssisted.label }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehicleDamageAssist }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.damageStunned.label }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehicleDamageAssistStun }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.stunsCaused }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehicleStunsCaused }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.capture }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehicleBaseCapture }}/{{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehicleBaseDef }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.mileage.label }} {{ replay.detailedPerformance.vehicleMileage }}
{{ ::replay.translations.close }}
  • {{ ::replay.translations.shots.fired }} 12
  • {{ ::replay.translations.shots.hits }} 9/6
  • {{ ::replay.translations.shots.heHits }} 0
  • {{ }} 4093
  • {{ ::replay.translations.damageDealt.sniper }} 335
  • {{ ::replay.translations.received.label }} 16
  • {{ ::replay.translations.received.pierces }} 6
  • {{ ::replay.translations.received.noDamage }} 4
  • {{ ::replay.translations.received.he }} 17
  • {{ ::replay.translations.received.blocked }} 250
  • {{ ::replay.translations.friendlyFire }} 0/0
  • {{ ::replay.translations.spotted }} 0
  • {{ ::replay.translations.damaged }} 5/1
  • {{ ::replay.translations.damageAssisted.ownLabel }} 785
  • {{ ::replay.translations.damageStunned.ownLabel }} 0
  • {{ ::replay.translations.stunsCaused }} 0
  • {{ ::replay.translations.capture }} 0/0
  • {{ ::replay.translations.mileage.label }} 3,81
Credits With Premium
Received 39 940 39 940
Personal Reserves bonus 29 955 29 955
Battle payments 17 973 17 973
Fine for causing damage to allies 0 0
Compensation for damage caused by allies 0 0
Total amount for battle: 87,868 223,040
Auto-repair vehicle -13,368 -13,368
Auto-resupply ammunition -35,220 0 -35,220 0
Auto-resupply consumables -10,000 0 -10,000 0
Total: 29,280 0 164,452 0
  • Starting time 00:36
  • Battle duration 18 min 0 s
  • Time of destruction 6 min 28 s
Received 589 29     589 29
Fine for causing damage to allies 0 0
Personal Reserves bonus 884 132     884 132
For military maneuvers 110     110
Bonus for Premium vehicle tier 88       88  
For playing in a Platoon 133     133
Total: 1 694 271 5 598 297
  • Version: 1.25.0
  • Server game time: 2024-06-15 00:36
  • Spawn: II
  • Battle type: Front Line
  • Uploaded: Sasha_Fizik

Replay description

Новы-стары баг у Лініі Фронту - танк які знаходзіцца ў святле да канца гульні, г.зн. перманентна! A new and old bug in the Front Line is a tank that is exposed until the end of the game, i.e. permanently! Новы-стары баг у Лініі Фронту - танк які знаходзіцца ў святле да канца гульні, г.зн. перманентна!

Replay's comments (1)