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Clear all filters
- 1
- 1085
- 36958
- 3303
- 1288
- 4650
Close win, M, 4.6K damage
- 5
- 1496
- 44163
- 4573
- 567
- 1990
- Ace tanker
5.2K damage, 1.4K spot, 3 Kills and M
- 3
- 1216
- 50490
- 5201
- 1412
- 1820
- Ace tanker
- Tank: Rinoceronte
- Map: Lost Paradise, Standard
- Sent: 2024-02-09 23:55
- Player: WhiteFox_844
7 Hits, 6 Kills
- 6
- 1339
- 85404
- 4881
- 207
- 415
What a great round
- 1
- 1230
- 50060
- 5909
- 1682
- 2870
- Tank: Controcarro 3 Minotauro
- Map: Klondike
- Sent: 2024-01-11 21:02
- Player: WhiteFox_844
What was the 60TP doing?
- 0
- 239
- 8550
- 0
- 0
- 0
4.6K Damage and 2.4K Support
- 1
- 1072
- 48744
- 4614
- 2447
- 5150
What was happening there?
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
very much blind shoots
- 2
- 568
- 23249
- 2757
- 172
- 710
- Tank: T28 Prototype
- Map: Berlin, Standard
- Sent: 2023-11-26 19:40
- Player: WhiteFox_844
8,5K Spot
- 0
- 997
- 38571
- 269
- 8572
- 0
- Tank: AMX 13 90
- Map: Prokhorovka, Standard
- Sent: 2023-11-25 14:33
- Player: WhiteFox_844
{{ replay.title }}
- {{replay.replay_info.frags}}
- {{replay.replay_info.exp}}
- {{replay.replay_info.creds}}
- {{replay.replay_info.dmg}}
- {{replay.replay_info.assisted_damage}}
- {{replay.replay_info.blocked_damage}}
- Ace tanker
- Tank: {{replay.common_info.tank_title}}
- Map: {{replay.common_info.map_title}}{{replay.common_info.battle_type ? (', '+replay.common_info.battle_type) : ''}}
- Sent: {{replay.common_info.uploaded_at}}
- Player: {{replay.replay_info.player_username}}
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