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Replay of the Week Contender, 1.840 base XP + Kolobanov in T28 HTC
- 7
- 1841
- 45368
- 4889
- 603
- 2955
- Ace tanker
- Tank: T28 Concept
- Map: Tundra, Standard
- Sent: 2024-07-06 22:00
- Player: Zocker95
Super Hellcat Carry
- 5
- 1683
- 47267
- 4500
- 1059
- 0
- Ace tanker
- Tank: Super Hellcat
- Map: Fjords, Standard
- Sent: 2023-09-27 19:12
- Player: Zocker95
my highesat base xp Game yet
- 10
- 2283
- 69400
- 4355
- 1006
- 1020
- Ace tanker
Carry in Centurion AX
- 6
- 1614
- 94607
- 5587
- 149
- 780
- Ace tanker
- Tank: Caernarvon Action X
- Map: Glacier, Standard
- Sent: 2023-01-20 23:21
- Player: Zocker95
{{ replay.title }}
- {{replay.replay_info.frags}}
- {{replay.replay_info.exp}}
- {{replay.replay_info.creds}}
- {{replay.replay_info.dmg}}
- {{replay.replay_info.assisted_damage}}
- {{replay.replay_info.blocked_damage}}
- Ace tanker
- Tank: {{replay.common_info.tank_title}}
- Map: {{replay.common_info.map_title}}{{replay.common_info.battle_type ? (', '+replay.common_info.battle_type) : ''}}
- Sent: {{replay.common_info.uploaded_at}}
- Player: {{replay.replay_info.player_username}}
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