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10k combined - 907
- 2
- 1268
- 51349
- 777
- 9753
- 1000
- Tank: Object 907
- Map: Malinovka, Standard
- Sent: 2024-10-07 00:41
- Player: oPOSikk
type 58
- 3
- 1406
- 35418
- 2799
- 870
- 325
- Ace tanker
60tp - 7k
- 4
- 1313
- 57113
- 7140
- 0
- 6430
- Tank: 60TP Lewandowskiego
- Map: Outpost, Standard
- Sent: 2024-08-01 23:40
- Player: oPOSikk
5min battle, 12k active spot
- 1
- 1221
- 53873
- 504
- 12536
- 0
- Tank: Panhard EBR 105
- Map: Prokhorovka, Standard
- Sent: 2021-06-27 01:11
- Player: _KSYWA_
8 minutes of battle killing with arta light tank that flew over my tank and battering ram under water in progetto
- 3
- 424
- 34777
- 3903
- 0
- 0
- Tank: Conqueror Gun Carriage
- Map: Abbey, Standard
- Sent: 2020-09-12 17:48
- Player: _KSYWA_
{{ replay.title }}
- {{replay.replay_info.frags}}
- {{replay.replay_info.exp}}
- {{replay.replay_info.creds}}
- {{replay.replay_info.dmg}}
- {{replay.replay_info.assisted_damage}}
- {{replay.replay_info.blocked_damage}}
- Ace tanker
- Tank: {{replay.common_info.tank_title}}
- Map: {{replay.common_info.map_title}}{{replay.common_info.battle_type ? (', '+replay.common_info.battle_type) : ''}}
- Sent: {{replay.common_info.uploaded_at}}
- Player: {{replay.replay_info.player_username}}
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