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Quckybaby please watch this hilarious carry in a T20 :)
- 7
- 1715
- 39445
- 2480
- 3412
- 0
- Ace tanker
Achilles is a better scout tank than a light tank 5.7k spotting :)
- 0
- 1307
- 36272
- 472
- 5702
- 0
- Ace tanker
- Tank: Achilles
- Map: Prokhorovka, Standard
- Sent: 2024-08-15 20:30
- Player: thepromanster12
AMX 13 75 2nd MoE most frustrating team I had ....
- 4
- 1578
- 39392
- 2507
- 2871
- 0
- Ace tanker
- Tank: AMX 13 75
- Map: Prokhorovka, Standard
- Sent: 2023-11-03 07:51
- Player: thepromanster12
WZ-111 1 G FT stressful yet very hard carry
- 4
- 1180
- 37595
- 4170
- 465
- 1870
- Ace tanker
- Tank: WZ-111-1G FT
- Map: Outpost, Standard
- Sent: 2023-01-28 21:45
- Player: thepromanster12
RNG moments Killing arta from 500 meters because Russian accuracy ....
- 4
- 1002
- 41877
- 3889
- 700
- 490
How to block 8k damage in an AT-8 (How the hell am I still alive ? ...)
- 4
- 1131
- 25066
- 1914
- 295
- 7915
Amx 12t stressful carry (1v5) Faidin and Kolobanov medals QB please
- 6
- 1317
- 28349
- 2415
- 244
- 0
- Ace tanker
Brawl on Mines 5.7k dmg, 8 kills Mastery in a very underrated tank
- 8
- 2169
- 54159
- 5710
- 842
- 970
- Ace tanker
- Tank: VK 30.02 (D)
- Map: Mines, Standard
- Sent: 2022-08-18 15:48
- Player: thepromanster12
10k spotting GSOR is best tank
- 1
- 1204
- 43486
- 98
- 10327
- 0
- Tank: GSOR3301 AVR FS
- Map: Prokhorovka, Standard
- Sent: 2021-12-19 12:00
- Player: thepromanster12
World of LoLs Vk 30.02 DB scout tank (How the hell am i still alive ?)
- 1
- 755
- 18589
- 765
- 1467
- 0
- Tank: VK 30.02 (D)
- Map: Live Oaks, Standard
- Sent: 2021-07-14 17:11
- Player: thepromanster12
{{ replay.title }}
- {{replay.replay_info.frags}}
- {{replay.replay_info.exp}}
- {{replay.replay_info.creds}}
- {{replay.replay_info.dmg}}
- {{replay.replay_info.assisted_damage}}
- {{replay.replay_info.blocked_damage}}
- Ace tanker
- Tank: {{replay.common_info.tank_title}}
- Map: {{replay.common_info.map_title}}{{replay.common_info.battle_type ? (', '+replay.common_info.battle_type) : ''}}
- Sent: {{replay.common_info.uploaded_at}}
- Player: {{replay.replay_info.player_username}}
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