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Knapper konnte es nicht sein!
- 0
- 675
- 19819
- 1750
- 0
- 360
Mountain Pass T-34-2 4049 DMG 6 kills t6-8
- 6
- 1289
- 36206
- 4049
- 9
- 320
- Tank: T-34-2
- Map: Mountain Pass, Standard
- Sent: 2024-08-15 17:15
- Player: sarsafa
Как бывает часто с полураками - команда соплежуев ))
- 4
- 844
- 21304
- 2305
- 0
- 0
T-34-2 Ace defending the ruins
- 2
- 1512
- 48238
- 4914
- 1638
- 3310
- Ace tanker
Как играть с этими ДЕБИЛАМИ???????????????????
- 0
- 68
- 6634
- 357
- 0
- 990
Суки!!!!!!!!!!!!! Заебали уже эти дауны...
- 1
- 242
- 14050
- 1617
- 0
- 0
- 4
- 1316
- 37870
- 4006
- 945
- 2030
- Ace tanker
T-34-2, Safe Haven, Standard
- 4
- 848
- 21273
- 1658
- 553
- 0
- Tank: T-34-2
- Map: Safe Haven, Standard
- Sent: 2024-07-11 18:54
- Player: Seryi27
T-34-2 Master Class - Future QB highlight?
- 1
- 1225
- 38055
- 3837
- 976
- 2190
- Ace tanker
- Tank: T-34-2
- Map: Mountain Pass, Standard
- Sent: 2024-07-11 00:04
- Player: SquirtlesSquad
{{ replay.title }}
- {{replay.replay_info.frags}}
- {{replay.replay_info.exp}}
- {{replay.replay_info.creds}}
- {{replay.replay_info.dmg}}
- {{replay.replay_info.assisted_damage}}
- {{replay.replay_info.blocked_damage}}
- Ace tanker
- Tank: {{replay.common_info.tank_title}}
- Map: {{replay.common_info.map_title}}{{replay.common_info.battle_type ? (', '+replay.common_info.battle_type) : ''}}
- Sent: {{replay.common_info.uploaded_at}}
- Player: {{replay.replay_info.player_username}}
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